SC 06-07

We are the council. Need I say more?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Intros Pleaseeeee

Invitations to this blog have been given to a privileged few, those who have accepted are god's own childern... I take it as my duty to introduce to you, my readers, my co-bloggers, who do not blog much. You can see that from my desperate attempts to keep this blog alive!

Smruthi: She is The Eli Kutti of God. Christened so by the P herself,YOGI, EK as she is fondlu known is a babe!
Shilpa: She has the ability to realise the obvious. She may just look at an elephant and excalim "Thats HUGE"....
Akx: She is an honest and humble girl, you can figure that from her display name. And she revels at "ahem"... !
Arpita: I am biased. And I dont care. I am honest, and I dont care. She is a DJ par excellence, she is a dude.
Vaishnavi: Heard of superman, shaktiman, stuart little? Vaishnavi is our own little SHAKTIMOUSE!!
Yours truly: Chronicles of my existence have been logged in a chaotic fashion.


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